Pig Photography + 5 things I’ve Learned on a Pig Farm

Pig Photography

Pig photography has been a bit of a sharp learning curve. At 21 years old, I stepped foot into a modern pig barn for the first time and was floored by how high-tech it was. (Well, that, and the pungent smell!) And while pigs are far from the most photogenic animals (For every pig face I photograph, there are usually about 5 pig butts photobombing the shot!), their curiosity is both fascinating and humorous.

5 things I’ve Learned on a Pig Farm

  1. Pigs are VERY social creatures. They prefer to be piled up on top of each other in close quarters, leaving half the pen empty. I guess you can say they like to snuggle?!
  2. They will chew on anything – my coveralls, boots, their metal pens, even each others’ tails! That’s why they dock the piglets' tails after they’re born.
  3. Nutrition is a real science. There’s no throw a bucket of feed here and another there. Feed is calculated, weighed and delivered with precision.
  4. The people here love their jobs. While a day or so is enough for me, the people who work here are really dedicated to taking care of the animals.
  5. Biosecurity is a big deal. It’s shower-in/shower-out everywhere to make sure you aren’t tracking any diseases into the barn.

 Pig PhotographyPig Farm Photography, Iowa Piglet nursing photo Piglet Care Photo Piglet Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography Pig Photography


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