We Have Cows!

This summer and fall, Christian (my brother) has been working hard clearing the old fence line with an old, rusty bulldozer affectionately named "Toad". And let me tell you, Toad's clunky, but he's a beast. I got to see Christian put him to work this fall - and it was pretty impressive!eehnle395a9285bwHe just hauled in these mamas a couple of weeks ago, and sent out this snapchat:cy9foorweaa3peq????  Glad you got that straight, Bro. That's a good-looking bunch of women you got there:eehnle395a2505eehnle395a2512eehnle395a2521eehnle395a2524eehnle395a2527eehnle395a2532eehnle395a2537eehnle395a2539eehnle395a2543eehnle395a2547eehnle395a2563eehnle395a2566eehnle395a2571eehnle395a2598eehnle395a2627All my trips to feedyards and ranches in the last few years have made me love these beautiful, peaceful creatures - so I'm beyond excited to have some around again. Plus, it makes my heart so full to see my brother growing up, buying these cows with his own money and getting his start on the farm.Here's to the next generation. ❤️ 


New Year, New Adventures


Farm Engagement Photos | Katie & Jeff